Mandatory Care Training

Mandatory Care Training
Mandatory Training
07 Dec 09:00 AM event_repeat
Until 07 Dec, 05:00 PM 8h

Mandatory Care Training

Derby Office 24A Great Northern Rd, Derby, DE1 1LR
Organized by Will


  1. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (UK): Understanding the key aspects of this act for workplace safety.
  2. Hazard Identification and Risk Control: Identifying potential hazards and implementing measures to manage risks effectively.
  3. Basics of Health and Safety Law: Familiarising oneself with the fundamental principles of health and safety regulations.
  4. PPE Awareness: Understanding the importance of Personal Protective Equipment and its proper usage.
  5. Personal and Occupational Health: Addressing both personal and occupational health concerns.
  6. Statistics on Health & Safety: Examining relevant statistics to improve workplace safety.
  7. RIDDOR and COSHH: Learning about Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, as well as Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
  8. Mental Health Awareness and Well-being: Promoting mental health awareness and well-being among employees.


  1. DRABC Assessment: Understanding the systematic approach to assessing emergencies (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Circulation).
  2. Life Support: Learning essential life-saving techniques.
  3. Anaphylaxis: Recognising and managing severe allergic reactions.
  4. NEWS (National Early Warning Score): Understanding a tool used to assess a patient's condition.
  5. Communication: Improving communication skills during emergencies.
  6. Signs of Life: Identifying signs of life in a casualty.
  7. Post Resuscitation Care: Knowing the appropriate care after resuscitation efforts.
  8. Choking: Managing choking incidents.
  9. Dealing with Bleeding, Shock, Seizure, and Epilepsy: Properly responding to these medical emergencies.
  10. RESPECT and DNACPR Forms: Understanding and respecting patients' wishes.
  11. Data Protection: Ensuring data protection and confidentiality.


  1. The Back and Spine: Understanding the importance of back and spine safety.
  2. Staff Responsibilities: Clarifying staff responsibilities in moving and handling procedures.
  3. Safe Manual Handling: Learning proper techniques for safe manual handling.
  4. Bio-mechanics: Understanding the principles of body mechanics during handling.
  5. People Handling Risks: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with moving people.
  6. Care Plans: Incorporating care plans into moving and handling procedures.
  7. Equipment Handling: Safely using equipment for moving people.
  8. TILE Process: Applying the TILE process for safe handling (Task, Individual, Load, Environment).
  9. Controversial Techniques: Avoiding and understanding controversial handling techniques.
  10. Musculoskeletal Disorders: Recognising and preventing musculoskeletal disorders related to moving and handling.
  11. Costs: Considering the costs involved in moving and handling procedures.


  1. Legal Considerations: Understanding legal aspects of infection prevention and control.
  2. COVID-19: Specific awareness and precautions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Chain of Infection: Understanding how infections spread and breaking the chain of transmission.
  4. COSHH and RIDDOR: Complying with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
  5. Sharps: Safely handling sharp objects to prevent infections.
  6. Fluids Management: Properly managing fluids to minimise infection risks.
  7. Personal Hygiene: Emphasising the importance of personal hygiene in infection control.
  8. Cleaning and Laundry: Maintaining cleanliness and proper laundry procedures to prevent infections.
  9. Decontamination: Understanding and implementing decontamination practices.
  10. PPE: Proper usage and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment.
  11. Risk Assessments: Conducting risk assessments for infection prevention and control.


  1. Cybersecurity and Information Security: Understanding the importance of protecting information and data.
  2. Legislation on Data Protection: Familiarising with relevant data protection laws.
  3. GDPR 2018: Complying with the General Data Protection Regulation of 2018.
  4. Disclosures and Information Requests: Managing information disclosures and responding to information requests.
  5. Manual and Electronic Records: Handling both manual and electronic record-keeping effectively.
  6. Social Media and Emailing: Addressing information governance concerns related to social media and email communication.
  7. ICT Security: Ensuring the security of information and communication technology.


  1. What Is Lone Working? Understanding the concept and implications of working alone.
  2. Legal Duties of Lone Working: Knowing the legal responsibilities related to lone working.
  3. Safe Systems of Work: Implementing safe work procedures for lone workers.
  4. Hierarchy of Lone Working Risk Controls: Applying a structured approach to risk control for lone working scenarios.
  5. Dynamic Risk Assessment: Conducting real-time risk assessments while working alone.
  6. Hazards That Increase Lone Working Risk: Identifying and mitigating hazards that can escalate risks for lone workers.
  7. Lone Working Risk Factors: Understanding the factors that contribute to lone working risks.
  8. Communications During Lone Work: Ensuring effective communication for lone workers' safety.


  1. Defining Diversity: Recognising the importance of diversity in the workplace.
  2. Overcoming Barriers to Building Multi-cultural Relationships: Addressing challenges and fostering inclusivity.
  3. Understanding Unconscious Bias: Identifying different types of unconscious bias and their origins.
  4. Training Options: Exploring training options for individuals, groups/teams, and organisations to promote equality and diversity.


  1. Defining Abuse: Understanding the various forms of abuse.
  2. Legislation on Safeguarding Vulnerable People: Knowing the legal framework for safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
  3. Prevention and Management of Abuse: Implementing measures to prevent and handle abuse situations.
  4. Dignity and Respect: Promoting a culture of dignity and respect in care settings.
  5. Person-Centered Care: Ensuring care approaches are tailored to individuals' needs and preferences.
  6. DOLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) and MCA (Mental Capacity Act): Understanding the application of these safeguards.
  7. Safeguarding Boards: Knowing the role of Safeguarding Boards in protecting vulnerable individuals.
  8. Whistleblowing: Encouraging reporting of concerns to protect those at risk.
  9. Dealing with Abuse: Properly responding to instances of abuse.
  10. Safeguarding Procedures: Understanding and following safeguarding procedures.
  11. Duty of Candour and Whistle-blowing: Being open and transparent about incidents and concerns.
  12. CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) and LCSBS (Local Children's Safeguarding Board): Understanding the role of these organisations in safeguarding children.


  1. Fire Statistics: Understanding fire-related data and statistics.
  2. Causes and Sources of Fire: Identifying common causes and sources of fires.
  3. Fire Precautions: Implementing preventive measures to reduce fire risks.
  4. Fire Alarms and Smoke/Heat Detection: Understanding fire alarm systems and smoke/heat detectors.
  5. Evacuation Procedures: Knowing the appropriate actions to take during a fire evacuation.
  6. Fire Triangle: Understanding the three components necessary for a fire to occur (heat, fuel, oxygen)


  1. Introduction to Food Safety: Understanding the importance of maintaining food safety standards in various settings.
  2. Food Safety Regulations in a Globalised World: Recognising the significance of international regulations and standards for food safety.
  3. A Brief History of Food Safety: Exploring the evolution of food safety practices over time.
  4. The Seven Principles of a Safe Food Supply Chain: Identifying the key principles that ensure a safe and reliable food supply chain.
  5. The Importance of Food Safety and the Consequences of Non-Compliance: Emphasising the significance of adhering to food safety guidelines and the potential repercussions of non-compliance.
  6. The Human Cost of Unsafe Food Handling: Understanding the impact of mishandling food on human health and well-being.


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