Covid inquiry: Failure to consider ‘potentially massive impact’ of lockdown pre-pandemic
The UK may not have been well prepared "at all", says the lead lawyer for the Covid inquiry.
Watch out for heat exhaustion and heatstroke
Know the signs and what to do if someone is unwell in hot weather.
What are the heat exhaustion and heatstroke symptoms?
Know the signs and what to do if someone is unwell in hot weather.
What does hot weather do to the body?
What impact do high temperatures have on our bodies?
Sunak ‘not worried’ about Covid inquiry seeing messages
Chris Mason asks Rishi Sunak if he has something to hide from Covid inquiry in pandemic messages.
Watch: Brain implants help paralysed man to walk again
A paralysed man has been able to walk simply by thinking about it, thanks to electronic brain implants
Vaping: How do you quit e-cigarettes?
It can get you off tobacco - but what do you do when you want to say bye to your e-cig?
James Philliskirk: Concerns dismissed before sepsis, say parents
James Philliskirk died after Sheffield Children's Hospital had diagnosed him with chicken pox.
Covid global health emergency is over, WHO says
Close to 20 million people are likely to have died during the last three years, says the WHO.
Nitrous oxide: What is it and how dangerous is it?
How is laughing gas used and what does it do to your body?