NHS: Woman’s dentist appointment means 200-mile round trip
Patients cannot get on waiting lists, despite having broken teeth.
Aspartame advice unchanged despite cancer question
The sweetener is found in a variety of foods, from diet drinks to chewing gum and some yoghurts.
Public sector pay: Workers offered pay rises of around 6%
PM Rishi Sunak said the offer to workers was final and there would be "no more talks on pay".
Covid inquiry: What is it investigating and how does it work?
The second round of public hearings examined how ministers made decisions during the pandemic.
Tom Holland says he felt ‘enslaved’ to alcohol
The film star says he is "healthier and fitter" since deciding to quit drinking at the start of 2023.
Quadriplegic man cycles across Canada
Despite being paralysed in an accident, Kevin Mills has gained enough mobility to handcycle across Canada.
Nottingham maternity review to become UK’s largest
A senior midwife leading the inquiry in Nottingham says 1,700 families' cases will be examined.
Weight-loss jabs investigated for suicide risk
Europe's drugs regulator has been alerted to a possible link to thoughts of suicide among some users.
Ghana’s batmen hunting for pandemic clues
Scientists want to understand exactly how pathogens can jump species and what the next threat may be.
Fiona Phillips: How common is early Alzheimer’s?
We answer the questions you're asking about Alzheimer's disease, which causes dementia.