Entries by BBC News - Health

Playing a musical instrument good for brain health in later life – study

Playing an instrument is especially good for brain health and should be encouraged, researchers say.

Disposable vapes to be banned over fears for children’s health

Rishi Sunak announces the plan, saying "we must act" to tackle a rise in vaping among children.

Growing skincare use by children is dangerous, say dermatologists

Dermatologists say products with ingredients potentially harmful to children are growing popular.

Skin cancer searches rise after Duchess diagnosis

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, revealed she had malignant melanoma this week.

King Charles ‘doing well’ after prostate treatment

The King visited the Princess of Wales, who had surgery at the same hospital, ahead of his treatment.

Nottingham attacks: NHS to investigate Valdo Calocane’s case

Valdo Calocane was detained four times under the mental health act before killing three people.

Safety plea over co-sleeping baby deaths figures

A quarter of infant deaths in Scotland last year involved parents bedsharing with babies, the BBC learns.

NHS consultants reject offer of double pay rise

Senior doctors in England reject proposed deal, as BMA union says the offer "doesn't go far enough".

Swansea Bay waiting list error left people with five-year op wait

People were mistakenly taken off waiting lists for operations such as knee and hip surgeries.

Ambulances delays lead Wilmslow GPs to drive patient to A&E

Two Wilmslow doctors say the NHS is "broken" after they had to drive a patient to A&E themselves.