Entries by BBC News - Health

NHS adds digital prescriptions to app after successful trial

Every digital order fulfilled will save the GP three minutes, NHS Digital says.

Medicine stopped in 1980s linked to rare Alzheimer’s cases

Contaminated injections of growth hormone may have caused five rare cases of dementia, scientists think.

NHS dentistry: Ex-miner ‘thrilled’ to get appointment after seven-month wait

David Creamer says he has been "living on painkillers and soup" since his teeth fell out in June.

How dangerous is vaping and what is the disposable vape ban?

Vaping is far safer than smoking but the government wants to stop the sale of vapes to children

‘There are loads of people that vape at school’

A group of teenagers in Fife have been making a documentary about the impact of disposable vapes.

Sunak reveals he fasts at the beginning of the week

The PM says he tries to fast at the start of the week so he can indulge in his “weakness for sugary things” on other days.

Rishi Sunak: Weekly fast is important discipline for me

The PM says fasting at the beginning of the week means he can "indulge" in sugary treats at other times.

King Charles leaves hospital as Kate recovers at home

The King has left hospital after prostate treatment, with the Princess of Wales home after abdominal surgery.

Whistleblowers accuse NHS trust of avoidable baby deaths

Serious concerns are raised over maternity services at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust.

Swansea man paralysed in cold water swim warns of dangers

Dan Richards was instantly paralysed after a "freak accident" during a New Year's Eve swim.